Flash Bitcoin Sender APK: 

Bitcoin is one of the most popular and valuable cryptocurrencies in the world. It is a decentralized
digital currency that can be sent and received without intermediaries or central authorities.
Bitcoin transactions are recorded on a public ledger called the blockchain, 
which ensures their validity and security. However, not everyone is happy with the way Bitcoin works.
Some people want to cheat the system and send fake Bitcoin to other wallets, 
hoping to get real money in return. This is where Flash Bitcoin Sender APK comes in.

What is Flash Bitcoin Sender APK and what does it claim todo?

Flash Bitcoin Sender APK is a software application that claims to enable you to send fake Bitcoin
from any wallet address to another wallet address on the blockchain network 
(Coin base, Binance, Blockchain, etc.) for free. It claims to be a Bitcoin fork that generates a 
Bitcoin transaction on the network that receives a full confirmation and stays on the network 
for up to 90 days with the basic license and 360 days with the premium license 
before being rejected by the network. It also claims that you can send up to 50 Bitcoin daily 
with the basic license and 1000 Bitcoin daily with the premium license.

Is Flash Bitcoin Sender APK legit or a scam?

he short answer is: Flash Bitcoin Sender APK is a Scam. It is not possible to send fake Bitcoin 
tony wallet on the blockchain network and get away with it. 
The blockchain network is designed to prevent double-spending and fraud by verifying every 
transaction through a consensus mechanism. Any transaction that does not follow the rules 
of the network will be rejected by the nodes and miners. Therefore, any fake Bitcoin sent 
by Flash Bitcoin Sender APK will eventually be detected and removed from the network.